Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Bible was written over a period of sixteen hundred years, by forty different authors, on different continents, in three different languages, and on hundreds of subjects yet no other holy book can approach the divine fingerprints that lay upon the Bible. When it comes to the world's holy books; they can all be wrong, but they cannot all be right! Both The Quran and The Book of Mormon are plagued with information that does not correspond to reality. The Bible is different in that it is historical and evidential. They say the Bible is the world's best seller, and that's where I say, "The Bible is also man's best purchase!" While many of the particulars within the Bible have been discovered through archaeology, there has never been an archaeological dig that has contradicted its Biblical parallel. From the glorious Psalms to the wisdom of Solomon, to the creation account by Moses, and the subsequent fall into original sin, to John's Apocalypse, to The Four Gospel's glorious news of what God has done; The Bible towers far above all literature as a literary masterpiece of such great wisdom and precision, that no human being could ever hope to accomplish such a task. The Bible is the only holy book with fore-told prophesy that came to pass. Predictive prophesy is a sure sign of the Hand of God, as foretelling the future is beyond the ability of what God endowed humans to have. Lamentations 3:37, "Who can speak and have it happen if the Lord has not decreed it?" Jeremiah 28:9, "But the prophet who is of The Lord is so only if his prediction comes true." Deut. 18:22, Ezek. 33:33.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Who was the Bible written to? Today I am addressing a controversial way to approach the Bible to insure proper understanding. It’s controversial because people are not trained in the art and science of biblical interpretation. Yes, in a lot of cases, people just wing-it! Let’s turn to some key passages now, (note bold print carefully). Romans 1:7, “To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be His holy people: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from The Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 1:2, “To the Church of God in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus.” 2 Corinthians 1:1, “To the Church of God in Corinth, together with all His holy people throughout Achaia.” Galatians 1:1, “Paul, an apostle, sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised Him from the dead. To the Churches in Galatia.” Ephesians 1:1, “Paul, and apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, to God’s holy people in Ephesus, the faithful in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:1, “Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, To all God’s holy people in Christ Jesus at Philippi, together with the overseers and deacons.” Colossians 1:2, “To God’s holy people in Colossae, the faithful brothers and sisters in Christ: Grace and peace to you from God our Father.” Thessalonians 1:1, “Paul, Silas and Timothy, To the Church of The Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.” I could go on but maybe you see my point. Check other books as well, but you will find that none of the Bible was written to us. All of the Bible was written for us. It is of the highest hermeneutical importance that we know who the audience is when we read books of the Bible. In Christian Apologetics one is eager to present the Gospel to those whom God desires to be saved. On the other hand, equipping (and reforming) the church through the art and science of Biblical interpretation is a full time job, as one seeks to circumvent the damage done by people who think the Bible is their wish list catalog, and who strip passage after passage from its historical context and its intended audience. This is just one tool of interpretation that will bring clarity when applied.

Friday, January 17, 2014

A lot of Christians think (based on the bible) that the earth and our universe are young. But the Bible was never meant to tell us the age of the earth. Science tells us the earth is very old, and therefore many see a schism between faith and science. This need not be however, unless we are trying to make the bible say something it was not designed to say. If we want to know the age of the earth, we need to look at God’s “general revelation”, not at His “special revelation”. The Bible is God’s “special revelation”. The earth and the cosmos around us are God’s “general revelation”. The very first verses of The Book of Romans make clear that people can look at what has been made (the cosmos), and they can see the evidence and existence of God based on what God has created, and that which God supernaturally sustains today. Though the cosmos and the earth are surely quite old, that does not mean that humanity is that old however. In fact, the oldest found human remains are in the thousands of years as compared to the millions of years which date back to a “Big Bang”. Yes, I said “Big Bang”. Big Bang Cosmology harmonizes with “special creation” by God. In the beginning of the creation of our cosmos, matter that was created by God was highly condensed in a supernaturally tight and tiny arrangement, then exploded, starting the expansion of our universe, which we can observe today. The Big Bang, requires a Big Banger. That’s God! All I have stated at this point has nothing to do with an evolutionary paradigm. In fact, both Darwinian Evolution and Theistic Evolution (evolution led along by God), are both against science and against our faith.

Friday, January 10, 2014

One of Christianity's core doctrines is the Biblical canon. "Canon" is a term signifying the principles safeguarding the discovery of God inspired written revelation. The Bible is further known as "the closed canon". This term asserts that "type and shadows" led up to the culmination of The Incarnation of Christ, in whom those "types and shadows" pointed forward to. With the fulfillment of this revelation (the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Christ), and the prophetic books penned by the first century prophets unveiling The New Covenant, the canon has been closed. There can be and will be no more books that find their way into the bible. There are also references in The Book of Daniel, and The Book of Jude, giving credence that revelation has been closed following the ministry of Christ, His Apostles, and their prophetic writings. Religious manuscripts that are dated a long time after their actual events are prime candidates for corruption. We see this in "The Gospel of Judas", a fourth century Gnostic writing. Likewise "The Gospel of Thomas" didn't find its way into our bible because, like Judas' Gospel, it failed to meet canonical requirements. In many cases these books are blasphemous. All the books of the "Biblical Canon" were completed within 37 years after the crucifixion of Jesus, therefore contamination was avoided. No man, or men, ever decided which books belong in the Bible. Instead, the God inspired writings that make up our Bible were discovered by men, not selected by men. These books were discovered by the principles of canonicity, which relates to why the Bible is termed as "the canon, or closed canon." It should be noted that The Roman Church has a number of books in their Bible that were rejected at the Protestant Reformation, and remain rejected. This is something of importance that we should all educate ourselves in

Friday, January 3, 2014

It's a theological deduction that the devil, is God's devil. All of creation is cursed and fallen, including humans, animals, spirits, the cosmos, and all therein. Yet all of creation is subject to The Creator. From scripture, one discerns that the devil is on a chain, and the length of that chain is determined by God. Satan can't do anything he wants. Yet, because Adam disobeyed God in rebellion, and because all of humanity has since ratified Adam's decision, God continues to sustain Satan in existence allowing him to tempt us. In the Book of Job, Satan is given permission by God to attack Job, (Job 1:12). Yet Job looked at it differently. Job stated, "Though He (God) slay me, yet will I trust in Him," (Job 13:15). Job also stated, "The Lord gives, and the Lord takes away, blessed be the name of The Lord", (Job 1:21). So it is good that we recognize Satan's role in the affairs of men. But it is also good that we recognize we are culpable (guilty) for our own sin, and as such God has ordained that we are to suffer the repercussions of our sin. Though sin's consequences effect us here on earth, Christ's righteousness is imputed to Christians, and our sin is not imputed to us, it is forgiven. At the resurrection of all flesh, Christians will be actualized in their choice to believe in Christ for salvation. At that time the veil between God and man will be lifted, as God and man will live together in a new world where sin is no longer possible! "Well what about Satan," you say? The Bible says that Satan and his demons will be eternally quarantined in hell, along with all those who want nothing to do with God. This is the second death.