Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas is the answer to the fall of mankind, to sin, and to ultimate death. Adam ate the forbidden fruit casting humanity into sin and rebellion against God, terminating in physical and spiritual death. We all since, have ratified the choice of Adam. We have concurred that Adam was right, though he was actually deadly wrong. Consequently, God cursed Satan in Eden, telling Him (Genesis 3:15), "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and hers; He will crush your head, and you will strike His heel." Satan was to strike Christ at the heel, a term signifying a less than fatal blow. But Christ was to crush the head of Satan. The "head" signifies power and authority; preeminence. This Christmas, may we glorify the Seed (Jesus), that crushed the power (head) of Satan, and that reversed the effects of the fall. In the earliest stages of humanity, God had plans to save and justify His beloved creature man. Those plans even pre-existed man's creation. Now we can surely say, "Glory to The Lamb of God and to The Seed in whom we find our salvation."

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